Alabama specialty tags
Alabama specialty tags

alabama specialty tags


The new license plate does not replace the current “Drive Out Ovarian Cancer” tag, which raises money for ovarian cancer research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham through the Norma Livingston Ovarian Cancer Foundation. Proceeds from the sale of the tag will be used to support gynecological cancer patients and survivors across the state, including transportation to chemotherapy and other cancer-related medical appointments, emotional and educational support for patients, survivors, caregivers and family, and assistance with basic needs for families in financial distress (mortgage/rent, utilities, groceries, medication, etc.).

alabama specialty tags


The $50 fee is in addition to the usual vehicle registration fees and taxes. The plate costs $50 more than a regular license plate, with $41.25 of that going to the Laura Crandall Brown Foundation and being tax-deductible. The plate, which bears an “Accelerate the Fight” theme, was designed by Tiffeny Curier, a gynecological cancer survivor from Birmingham. The Laura Crandall Brown Foundation is now taking pre-orders for a new gynecological cancer awareness specialty license plate. If a plate or decal is being replaced for a third time due to being lost or stolen a police report is required.The Laura Crandall Brown Foundation, which raises money for gynecological cancer research and awareness and support for survivors, caregivers and family, is taking preorders for this specialty license plate.However, the additional replacement fees will apply.

alabama specialty tags

If decal(s) or plate(s) is lost in the mail during the time of renewal the license plate issuing official will allow an immediate family member (mother, father, spouse, child) to come in and replace said decal(s) or plate(s) without requiring a notarized power of attorney.If another plate type or lettering is requested after the registration is issued additional fees will apply.

alabama specialty tags

Please be aware that no refunds of fees paid for personalized or specialty plates can be made after the registration is issued.

  • If a specialty plate or personalized tag is being requested at the time of replacement of a standard tag the registered owner must specify which plate and/or what lettering they are requesting on the Power of Attorney and pay the additional fees.
  • Additionally, any erasures, mark overs or alterations void a power of attorney. Please be aware that the power of attorney must be signed, notarized and specifically state that the individual appointed has authority to obtain a replacement plate and/or decal.
  • In the event the registered owner cannot come in person to obtain the replacement the registered owner can give another individual MVT 5-13 (Power of Attorney) to come in on their behalf.
  • The form MV 40-12-265-1 (Application For Replacement Credentials) must be completed by the vehicle owner(s) and presented to the license plate issuing official in person to obtain a replacement.
  • The Alabama Department of Revenue/Motor Vehicle Division’s Administrative rule 810-5-1-.229(1) details when and how a replacement license plate and/or decal can be obtained.
  • How do I obtain a replacement license plate and/or decal?

    Alabama specialty tags